Friday, February 4, 2011

Malaysia Leads The World In Quality Tongkat Ali Root Extract For Boosting Testosterone Levels

Malaysia is a major manufacturer of Tongkat Ali root extract, and the Malaysian Government has invested a great deal of time and money to research and develop the harvesting and production of it. And in the interests of protecting the industry and the consumer, the Malaysian Government has been pushing for international manufacturer's standards to be adopted because of the potential market size and the importance of quality controls.
Eurycoma Longifolia is the forestry tree from which the roots are used to produce Tongkat Ali, but the problem is that with the massive and wholesale felling of much of south East Asia's forest, the trees are not in as abundant quantities as they once were. Therefore more careful forestry management is planned to protect what is likely to be a strong growth industry for Malaysia.
Generally the trees are left to mature and when they reach about 20-25 years old, then harvesting of their root system can begin. Most of the World's supply of this tropical rain forest tree are found in Indonesia and Malaysia. When matured, the trees have developed 4 metre root systems and so at harvest time the tree does yield a significant weight.
The roots are transported to processing facilities in Kuala Lumpur where they are sterilized against bacteria inherent in the soil and after they are washed clean and dried, they are chipped and ground for further processing.
Some people have thought that consuming the powder will be useful, but in fact the important ingredients are present in very low quantities and most of the Tongkat Ali root is only basic cellulose and of no value at all. Only by further processing can the roots yield the extract that is beneficial.
The western world is suffering a greatly reduced testosterone level because of the food additives large corporations now routinely process into our foods. Not only are we being force-fed foods enriched with fat and sugar, these packaged foods with almost no nutritional value are also cause our natural testosterone production to fall significantly.
We have no choice but to supplement our diets with those natural compounds that nature provides to boost our own hormone production.
Phil Jarvie is a professional forex day trader, an author and SEO specialist. Visit Tongkat Ali where this article was researched.

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