Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tongkat Ali Pure Extract - Nature's Most Powerful Sex Enhancer?

Herbal professionals are really excited about tongkat ali pure extract, an herb which comes from Indonesia. The reason behind this is that lots of studies have proven that this astonishing herb can dramatically increase testosterone levels. Testosterone is a naturally-occurring steroid and a powerful sex hormone.
One study, reported by the British Journal of Sports Medicine, gave men either tongkat extract or a placebo. The men who took the herb showed a 5% increase in muscle mass over a short stretch of time, compared to no increase for the men who took the placebo.
But tongkat helps men in other ways too. It helps them sexually. It's not uncommon for men who use tongkat ali to have harder and stronger erections.
As men get older, their testosterone production begins to decrease. The ability to perform both athletically and sexually decreases because of this. Men who take tongkat ali pure extract can turn back their biological clocks, so to speak. Because it's safe and effective, tongkat ali has become one of the most sought-after male enhancement supplements in the world today.
But this amazing herb has other benefits as well. It can make people feel better mentally and emotionally. This can be attributed to the testosterone boost. It's seems clear that tongkat ali has sexual, physical, and mental benefits.
It's too bad it's somewhat costly. The reason is because the plant only thrives in certain parts of the world, namely Indonesia. It also takes a long time for the plant to grow before it's ready to be used. The plant must be totally mature, and this takes about 10 years!
It definitely pays to shop around for herbal products, including tongkat. A lot of herbs sold today are impure and diluted. Manufacturers often adulterate their products with additional ingredients. In most cases you just don't know how good the product really is.
This is why it's vital to buy your herbal medicines from a trustworthy source that has a good track record. The tongkat ali pure extract you get must be ripe and must come from Indonesia. If you don't follow this advice, you'll just be throwing away your cash.
To find out more about this popular herbal supplement, including how to purchase it from Indonesia, please visit the Tongkat Ali Extract website.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Many Health Benefits of Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali (also known as Eurycoma Longifolia or LongJack) is an herbal remedy derived from the root of the Tongkat Ali tree found in various Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It is used for a number of health benefits in both men and women - namely, to increase vitality and increase sexual function by stimulating the production of testosterone in the body. While not widely discussed, testosterone is vital to a woman's health and well-being and by the age of 40, testosterone levels are half of what they are age the age of 20.
Tongkat Ali is used for a variety of sexual problems that are due to low testosterone levels in the body. Because Tongkat Ali increases the production of testosterone producing a testosterone boost, it can help or even eliminate most disorders with performance and libido. Low testosterone can lead to loss of sexual desire or responsiveness as well as a general decline in strength and endurance.
A key benefit to Tongkat Ali is increased overall vitality. For instance, reports have shown that both men and women are more alert and focused all day long with Tongkat Ali. They can maintain mental clarity and handle stress with a laid back attitude. Overall feelings of well being have been reported with continued use as well as improved mood. Testosterone boost production provides long lasting energy and a sharp focus that allows user to maintain the edge that previously may not have been attainable. Several reports have also shown that individuals who use Tongkat Ali also are able to handle stress better and maintain their professional drive.
Tongkat Ali can be taken as an herbal supplement in capsule or tablet form and can even be found in products such as enriched healthier energy coffees. To work most effectively for long lasting results, it must be ingested on an ongoing basis which is why consuming it in a coffee is an outstanding way of getting a regular dose -- after all, coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water and coffee drinking is a daily habit and ritual for a significant number of people.
With so many benefits, individuals may be curious to know about the risks. Tongkat Ali has few reported side effects, despite years of use. Some reported side effects include insomnia, anxiety, and restlessness. It should not be used by pregnant or nursing pregnant and should definitely not be used by children. However, since it is an herbal supplement, you may want to consult with your doctor if you are currently taking an prescriptions drugs.
Phillip Bynes is a proud husband, father, licensed massage therapist, and Family First Entrepreneur. As an active member of the health and wellness community, he provides resources to people who absolutely love coffee and embrace an opportunity to replace that unhealthy cup of coffee with enriched coffee that can provide substantial health benefits. Learn more at

Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Are Tribulus Terrestris And Tongkat Ali For?

Men need testosterone to be men. Because of the unhealthy lives we lead in terms of poor exercise and diets, combined with the pollution we have brought upon ourselves, modern-day man has a massively reduced testosterone level compared to 80 years ago.
The side effects of lower than normal testosterone are savage and dangerous. Not only are we less manly and unable to sustain muscle mass, we become more prone to diabetes, heart disease, circulation problems, depression and whole host of related afflictions.
Modern day doctors have sought to manage this issue with prescribed medications which replace hormone levels in the body. However this is a short-sighted and misguided approach because it too has severe side effects including but not limited to reduced testicle size (from lack of use) and also increased instances of prostate cancers.
The Ancient Chinese have always adopted a non-drugs based solution to low testosterone levels. Rather than introduce synthetic hormones into the body, which have the effect of stopping all natural hormone production, Traditional Chinese Medicine has used Tongkat Ali and Tribulus Terrestris as natural remedies designed to boost the body's own production of testosterone.
Tribulus Terrestris is a plant that grows flat along the ground in even the harshest environments with minimal water and poor soils all across the world and it is seen by the west as a non-toxic but unpleasant weed. It produces a nasty thorn that will easily puncture most shoes and footwear with ease, no doubt adding to why the west see this plant as a weed. It grows fast, is very hardy and annoying to step on.
Tongkat Ali is a tree that grows in tropical climates and is mostly found in Malaysia and Indonesia. Though it is not widely found, the Malaysian Government has thankfully taken steps to protect and to develop this small tree because of its medicinal and healing properties and the testosterone boosting supplement is now a thriving industry and undergoing continuing research.
Phil Jarvie is a professional forex day trader, an author and SEO specialist. Visit Tribulus Terrestris where this article was researched.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Boosting Testosterone With Tongkat Ali Root Extract

One of the greatest shames is the way humans hack down forests as if they were weeds without any consequence for the future. What is emerging very clearly is that this wanton waste of nature's beauty and powerful forests is not limited to increased green house gases and pollution of our air.
There is a small tree that is essential to the production of Tongkat Ali root extract that is being wiped out which is a terrible shame because of its testosterone boosting powers. The Chinese have been using the roots of this tree when it has matured to between 20 and 25 years to stimulate men's testosterone levels. And they have been using it for thousands of years.
Now these forests are in danger, and Malaysia has stepped up its concern about the wholesale destruction forest populations of this very valuable tree. Indeed, the Malaysian Government is taking very seriously the business opportunity to managed harvesting and processing of more than just this tree.
The western world is too quick to jump to the latest patented drug from pharmaceutical companies whereas the eastern world will use modern-day drugs as a last resort. The Eastern way is to see the body as a whole and to use traditional and holistic techniques to resolve their health issues.
The western doctor will likely rush you in and out of his treatment room with one eye on the clock, and the other eye on a prescription pad to dispense drugs as a quick fix. The Asian approach is to spend time to get to the bottom of all issues, and to develop a treatment plan that encompasses all of the issues affecting the body.
The western approach to low hormone levels is to replace the body's natural production with drugs. The Asian approach is to supplement the diet with compounds that stimulate the body's natural production. Make no mistake; replacing your hormones with drugs will cause your body to stop all its own production.
Rather than commit yourself to a lifetime of taking hormone replacement drugs, you should consider Tongkat Ali root extract as a way to stimulate your own production of testosterone.
Phil Jarvie is a professional forex day trader, an author and SEO specialist. Visit Tongkat Ali where this article was researched.

Tongkat Ali Benefits and Uses

Tongkat ali is now one of the most recognized herbs from Asia. Literally translated, it means "walking stick" and this refers to its aphrodisiac enhancing effects.
Tongkat Ali will increase the good testosterone levels in the body without raising the bad testosterone and assists in helping to make it more easily available to your body. It will also increase the CGMP which promotes the relaxation of the corpus cavernosum and allows for greater erectile strength.
Pure tongkat ali has anti-fatigue benefits that help reduce stress and increase metabolism. These benefits combined with higher physical and mental performance are for those of us that want to improve their sex life. It's also for people who have an active lifestyle and enjoy playing sports.
It has been referred to as the "miracle herb" in many parts around the world. It has helped many people over the years and was even popular in ancient times. In it's naturally occuring form, it is a small evergreen tree which is found in jungles and rain forests throughout Malaysia and Southeast Asia. Historically, it was used mainly as folk medicine. Ancient people also used it as a libido enhancer and to treat various sexual dysfunctions. Today pharmaceutical grade tongkat ali or "tribulus" is often included in herbal supplements used by bodybuilders and weightlifters.

  • Here are some more benefits:
  • Increases energy
  • Reduces fatigue
  • Increases overall physical condition
  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Increases metabolism
  • Burns fat
  • Increases libido
Tongkat Ali boosts sex drive in both men and women by building testosterone. In order to increase a person's sex drive, the number one concern it is to raise a person's testosterone level. It also boosts the serum level of testosterone greatly. This has been proven through years and years of clinical studies.Testosterone is the most important of all the male hormones which are known as androgens. Testosterone plays a key role in the development and maturity of male organs.
You can raise your testosterone levels back up to more useful levels by inhibiting the hormone globulin. By inhibiting this agent, more testosterone remains in the blood which helps to stem the aging process. It is also integral in improving energy and sexual function, helping to reduce body fat, and reduces the risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease. It is currently being used by many people because it is a safe, natural plant which causes the body to produce its own testosterone. By increasing the testosterone level, people are able to experience that huge boost in their sexual desire and function. Tongkat Ali is a natural aid that revitalizes and improves your overall physical condition and mental well-being.
To learn more about tongkat ali check out tongkat ali or pure tongkat ali

Friday, January 14, 2011

Tongkat Ali Is An Essential Testosterone Boosting Supplement

We are what we eat and we all know that we mostly don't eat properly. And it is not entirely our own fault that we choose to eat bad, fat and sugar enriched foods. They are made and aggressively promoted by the massive corporations that have filled our foods with preservatives, colorings and taste enhancers. If you cast a critical eye over your supermarket shelves, you will find that we have little choice but to buy the rubbish that is killing us.
Only in recent years do we see any suggestion of organically grown foods being available to us. And often the clean and healthy organic produce costs 2-3 times more than the corporate-made chemically tainted junk. The only thing we can do is to supplement our diets with those essential vitamins and minerals our bodies need to keep us safe, healthy and happy.
Not many people realize that over the last 80-90 years, the natural testosterone levels of men have dropped by 50-60%. Whereas men from the 1920's and 1930's used to have a median average minimum of 450 ng/dl (nano-grams per deci-liter) before the man was said to be deficient and below normal. Doctors now consider 250 to be the lower than acceptable limit - and they are not saying this because this is now believed to be the healthy level. They are simply reporting the "new average" of men generally.
Corporate profit-making food processors will not change their ways of poisoning us. Governments will only accede to the corporation's lobbyists and so no legislative solution to our declining testosterone levels cause by tainted foods is in our immediate future.
So yes, buy organic food produce where ever possible. And it is important that you adopt a sensible dietary supplement regime to recover the ground we have lost. For men, this means including Tongkat Ali root extract for its testosterone boosting effects. Of course it should not be used every day or as the only supplement, because our bodies do build up a tolerance.
Tongkat Ali root extract will stimulate your body's natural production of testosterone, which in turn will create a more highly energetic lifestyle leading to increased muscle mass, and reduced body fat levels.
Phil Jarvie is a professional forex day trader, an author and SEO specialist. Visit Tongkat Ali where this article was researched.

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tongkat Ali – Malaysia's Local Viagra

Tongkat Ali – Malaysia's Local Viagra Tongkat Ali, also known as "Eurycoma Longifolia Jack" is said to have aphrodisiac properties and will enhance male sexual libido besides other medicinal values such as treatment for dysentery, glandular swelling, fever, malaria and other ailments.
While Viagra could be fatal to some heart patients, Tongkat Ali is said to be good for them and those suffering from high blood pressure.
In the old days, the roots, found only in the wild tropical forest of Southeast Asia, had to be brewed for long hours to get a bitter extract. Now, Tongkat Ali, which literally means Ali's cane, is conveniently packed in pill or "tea-bag" form and mixed with regular coffee or tea for an extra "lift."
Coffee and tea that contain Tongkat Ali extract had been one of the latest crazes to hit town, they are widely sold in Malaysia's ubiquitous roadside hawker stalls, supermarkets and even at eateries in posh hotels.

Tongkat Ali - 100% percent pure root extract

Indonesia Tongkat AliTongkat Ali is also known as Pasak Bumi. Its scientific name is Eurycoma Longifolia Jack.

There are numerous benefits to consuming the pure extract of Tongkat Ali roots.

We do not make any medical claims as this is against the FDA regulations. You may read about the benefits and effects from the websites listed on the right.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Tongkat Ali – Do You Know The Truth?

Like all alternative medicines and therapies, there are various factual and untrue statements about the validity of this increasingly popular herbal remedy.  Generally, herbal medicines are all-natural products that are non-habit forming and produce minimal side effects.
Tongkat Ali is no exception.
One claim indicates that Tongkat Ali root powder is effective for improving overall health, increasing libido and enhancing sexual performance. That the root powder works just as well as the root extract.
This is quite simply untrue. From the researchers at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):
“The yield of the bioactive constituents is extremely low at less than 0.005%. Hence, they are not easily available for further studies and for commercial preparations. The plant also requires a longer time to produce the secondary bio-active metabolites and their biological activities may be derived from more than one of the constituents.”
Also all anecdotal evidences and experiences from users suggest that the root extract is much more effective than root power.
Another often misunderstood idea maintains that Tongkat Ali powder can be supplemented by other herbs.  While products containing a mix of Tongkat Ali extract and other herbs can indeed be more potent, many supplement manufacturers abuse this and put too little Tongkat Ali extract into their formulation.
For Tongkat Ali extract to work effectively, I recommend at least 300 mg of the extract.
There are various extract strengths available in the market. Typically its 1:50, 1:100 and 1:200 with 1:200 extract strength being the most potent and also the more expensive one.
The actual mechanism in which the Tongkat Ali extract works in our body has not been identified and documented. Various studies, reports and reviews suggest that the active ingredients within Tongkat Ali extract increases the amount of free testosterone in our body.
In a test result released in May 2005 by by ZRT Laboratory, the lab reported the testosterone level of a 72-year old male who’s increased by 224 percent.
Also the British Journal of Sports Medicine reported on clinical trials conducted on Tongkat Ali extract and the editor concluded:
“The results suggest that water soluble extract of Eurycoma longifolia Jack increased fat free mass, reduced body fat, and increased muscle strength and size, and thus may have an ergogenic effect.”
(Eurycoma longifolia Jack is the scientific name for Tongkat Ali)
The effects reported by users of Tongkat Ali extract includes increase in sex drive and libido, harder and longer-lasting erection, muscle gain, weight loss, along with an overall increase in energy and feeling more ‘positive about life’. Other effects also include aggression.
All these effects points to an increase in overall and possibly free testosterone level.
Irregardless of the actual mechanism though, Tongkat Ali extract at appropriate extract strength and dosage does indeed live up to its reputation as a powerful aphrodisiac.
As a user, our primary concern is Tongkat Ali’s safety over a long period of use. LD50 tests done demonstrate that the extract is non-toxic in nature and extremely safe for long-term consumption.
To round up my summation, I like to give you a final thought that will save you some money.  Forget about Tongkat Ali coffee. It’s a complete waste of money and chances are, you’ll be disappointed that it does nothing for you except to give a little caffeine boost.
Tongkat Ali extract is way too bitter in taste to be mixed into any food and still be edible. These products are nothing but marketing gimmicks designed to ride on the increasing popularity of this herb.
Don’t believe me? When you get hold of some Tongkat Ali extract capsules, break it open and taste it for yourself. Just be sure to have a big glass of water ready.
Readers have asked for my specific recommendations on products. You may read my post below on purchasing Tongkat Ali extract or if you want an immediate recommendation, here are two of them:
(these are not affiliate links)
1:200 extract strength, pure Tongkat Ali root extract – SD-200
1:50 extract strength, pure Tongkat Ali root extract – SD-50
Both are from the same company. Only the extract strength is different.  This is the only manufacturer that offers a 90 days full money back guarantee and has a ton of user’s testimonials on their websites.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tongkat Ali - Eurycoma longifolia (Common Male Enhancement Ingredient)

In the world of natural medicine, most plant life can be used to assist Nature in restoring a normal human condition.
In the sensitive area of erectile dysfunction and male virility, there are many options available to aid and assist in regaining strength, performance, and regularity of the male reproductive system.  One such assistance comes from the plant Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia).  Originating from Malaysia and areas of Southeast Asia, it has long been used as an aphrodisiac.  The Tongkat ali tree can grow to up to about 36 feet in height.  All parts of the Tongkat Ali tree have been used to treat the male sex drive, while also acting as a tonic for general well-being.  Physical trainers and athletes have also been known to use Tongkat ali to safely increase testosterone levels for increased muscle mass and definition.
This testosterone-enhancing herb is used to build up male libido, as well as combating fatigue, and strengthens the muscle and blood circulation to ensure proper and enjoyable sexual activity. Tongkat Ali has been shown in studies to increase testosterone levels in males up to 93%.  In a study from the Reproductive Research Center in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, men between the ages of 31-52 regularly took Tongkat Ali.  Results indicated increased testosterone levels; thus improving libido, energy as well as muscle mass (Source: Excerpt from Molecular Biology of the Cell, September 1, 2002)  While there are many other benefits to this plant, the more popular use of this is to address sexual concerns. It stimulates sex drive, appears to thicken semen with increased sperm count, reduces incidences of premature ejaculation, and aids in maintaining erections.
Tongkat Ali acts as a tonic, not only for the immune system and the muscular system, but the reproductive system as well. The most important part of the semen is the spermatozoa, as it is the male generative cell which fertilizes the female ovum, and this is what the Tongkat Ali tones and strengthens. The stimulating nature of this herb assists in carrying a normal amount of blood to all parts of the body, equalizing circulation or restoring imbalances of circulation.  An imbalance begins to occur in men from the age of 40 and onwards, when androgens (a steroid hormone) become deficient.  This hormone has specific effects on tissue growth and brain function.  The Tongkat Ali had been suggested to block the negative feedback to the pituitary gland and hypothalamus that initiates this deficiency, and essentially tricks the body into producing testosterone levels experienced by men in their 20s  (Source: Dr. James Stoxen, Ch. 39-a, Eureka Bioscience Collection, October 3, 2003).
Although no studies have recorded side effects or contraindications, there have been incidences of patients describing experiences of insomnia when taking Tongkat Ali in high doses. One might notice a full-body flushing or warming sensation while ingesting a higher dosage of the herb, and this can be attributed to an increase in body temperature and increased blood flow.  As with any form of medication, one must exercise caution and be careful not to abuse the remedy. However, a side effect that will not happen are those aggressively long erections that stay long after sexual activity had ceased.  Based on this fact, Tongkat ali is an excellent natural alternative to sildenafil citrate, the active chemical in Pfizer’s Viagra.
Tongkat ali is sold on the open market in a number of different extract ratios and potencies.  Many websites sell Tongkat ali powder which in its natural ground form can be very diluted and ineffective in smaller doses.  Extracts of the Tongkat Ali herb are much more effective and allow administration of a much smaller serving with the same benefit.  Some of the strongest Tongkat ali available is extracted to a ratio of 100:1 using a traditional water/alcohol extraction method.  In this form, 100:1 Tongkat ali is sometimes referred to as LJ100.  It is advisable to use smaller dosages of the highest extraction for maximum benefit and consistency. 
One product on market that I have studied in detail is Capatrex natural male enhancement, developed by biochemists and nutraceutical research analysts.  They use and feature the highest grade Tongkat Ali, specified at a 100:1 extract ratio.  In discussions I’ve had with their development team, they seem very knowledgeable on the precise proportion and administration of the herb in their patent-pending sexual delivery blend.  They seem to have a sharp focus on how to couple the effects of Tongkat Ali as a libido booster and testosterone enhancer with other effective herbs.  I was very impressed by their extensive knowledge and research.
If you are considering taking Tongkat ali to assist with sexual function or to combat erectile dysfunction, Paramount Nutraceuticals offers an excellent formulation with its Capatrex natural male enhancement product.  I highly recommend taking a look at it.  Tongkat ali can have stronger and more noticeable effects when combined with other herbs that support enhanced capillary action, circulation, and libido.  100:1 extracted Tongkat Ali as found in Capatrex’s proprietary male enhancement formulation will directly focus on these areas of male sexuality, and seek to promote a healthy sex drive and tone the reproductive system.
Capatrex is available through Paramount Nutraceutical’s secure website at  If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, you should always consult a physician before taking any herbal supplement.  Capatrex should be an excellent and effective natural alternative to Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra.

The Essentials of Tongkat Ali for Men’s Health

The Essentials of Tongkat Ali for Men’s Health

It all started in Asia and now it is slowly spreading its popularity to the Western countries as well. As there are various supplements out there in the market that offers people a way to improve their health condition, Tongkat Ali can offer you what you want.

Tongkat AliTongkat Ali is usually for a man to increase his sexual response customarily in a form of a tonic. It is due to its chemical properties to produce testosterone which basically enhances the male reproductive organ.  There are a lot of talks that Tongkat Ali is only for the men, but there are studies that is being conducted that it also benefits the women especially in their relationships. Female erogenous areas became more responsive upon taking Tongkat Ali.
Various applications related to personal health are devised because of the ability that Tongkat Ali possesses regarding the production of testosterone.  Sports enthusiasts, athletes, bodybuilders and health buffs in general use tongkat ali to help them in prolonging their endurance and also for building up their muscle mass. Tongkat Ali’s anti-aging property is beneficial for people wanting to look young. The body’s metabolism process is enhanced by taking tongkat ali. It also helps in the production of red blood cells and other blood related functions.  This function also leads to the breakdown of sugar to fatty acids that is essential in stabilizing the blood pressure. These fatty acids trigger the production of a hormone-like substance that helps in making our blood pressure to be in the normal range. This also helps in blood clotting and other immune response which in turn prevents diseases that could cause harm to the heart and blood diseases as well.
Tongkat AliIn the Malay language, the word Tongkat Ali means “Ali’s walking stick.” It means support and is usually referred to as a boost for when you are mentally and physically exhausted. Tongkat Ali is also added nowadays to coffees and tea. Its extracts are essential if you need a boost for the day and its effects can be seen for a very short period of time. It is also called in other names depending on the countries that it came from. In Indonesia it is called as Pasak Bumi, while in Vietnam it is called as Cay Ba Binh. It could take for more than 25 years for the Tongkat Ali plant to mature. It is quite expensive and it is very difficult to grow. It also requires a very special care and nurturing in order to grow a Tongkat Ali plant.
Like any other herbal medicines or product, before you go ahead and buy them you need to be educated about their use as well as their side effects. The side effects of taking in large doses of Tongkat Ali would result you to have insomnia, anxiety as well as mood swings. These side effects will affect your daily activities and it is also not advisable for pregnant women to take it as well as those who are undergoing treatment for cancer, diabetes and the likes.
So before taking tongkat Ali as part of your supplements is it advisable to refer this matter to your doctor to know if it is suitable to your lifestyle.
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Posted by CMM on Nov 29 2010. Filed under Health & Fitness, Supplements.


Biological effects

A 2010 ethnopharmacological inventory study on Eurycoma longifolia stated: "The plant parts have been traditionally used for its antimalarial, aphrodisiac, anti-diabetic, antimicrobial and anti-pyretic activities…"[5]
Even though there are many other legitimate medical areas of interest in Eurycoma longifolia (as evident from the quote included above), most Southeast Asians consume it for the plant's impact on sexual conduct. Already in 2001, Malaysian scientific researchers opened their peer-reviewed, Medline-archived report on Eurycoma longifolia's effect on lab rats with the statement "that Eurycoma longifolia Jack commonly known as Tongkat Ali has gained notoriety as a symbol of man's ego and strength by the Malaysian men because it increases male virility and sexual prowess during sexual activities."[6]
An article on the website of the scientific journal Nature referred to Eurycoma longifolia as Malaysia's home-grown Viagra and cited "increased sexual desire, enhanced performance and general well-being".[7] This journal article is also indexed on Medline, but without abstract.[7]
Some scientific studies found that it enhances sexual characteristics and performance in rodents.[8][9][10] Other laboratory animal tests have produced positive indications, with one extract having been observed to increase sexual activity in mature rats, including arousal, sniffing, and mounting behavior.
In an experiment conducted on male rats, it was found that eurycoma longifolia increases sperm count. The authors also reported that the plasma testosterone level of Eurycoma longifolia extract treated rats "was significantly increased when compared with that of the control and infertile animals."[11]
Another group of scientists confirmed that Eurycoma longifolia has the capacity to "reverse the inhibitory effects of estrogen on testosterone production and spermatogenesis."[12]
One Medline-indexed journal article cited as result that Eurycoma longifalia had an effect similar to testosterone replacement therapy in counteracting ostereoposis.[13]
An Italian study on Eurycoma longifolia noted improved sexual performance in lab animals and concluded that the "effect could be mainly ascribed to increased testosterone levels."[14]
After scientists investigating Eurycoma longifolia's effect on sexual parameters had established that sexualizing effects went hand-in-hand with increased testoterone tone, researchers in the field of sports medicine started to look into the anabolic potential of the plant.
In a placebo-controlled human study with healthy young men in a weight-training program, it was found that "the lean body mass of the treatment group showed a significant increment, from 52.26 (7.18) kg to 54.39 (7.43) kg (p = 0.012)." Furthermore, "the increase in strength in the treatment group was larger than in the placebo group (6.78% and 2.77% respectively)… The mean arm circumference of the treatment group increased significantly by 1.8 cm after the supplementation… but there was no significant increase in the placebo group." The results of the study were published in the peer-reviewed British Journal of Sports Medicine.[15]
The anabolic impact of Eurycoma longifolia has been confirmed in the animal model, when the size and weight of just one muscle was measured in treated and untreated rats of equal size. "Results showed that 800 mg/kg of butanol, methanol, water and chloroform fractions of E. longifolia Jack significantly increased (p<0.05) the leavator ani muscle…"[6]
Because of Eurycoma longifolia's testosterone-enhancing capacity, it has been included, at least by name, in numerous supplements, marketed primarily to bodybuilding men. One randomly selected Internet site selling bodybuilding supplements[16] listed 58 different products claiming to be Eurycoma longifolia or contain it as one of many ingredients. In gym circles, Eurycoma longifolia Jack is commonly referred to as Longjack.[17][18]
Most of the 58 Eurycoma longifolia supplements listed on the above-cited site exhibit all the elements of quackery, such as exaggerated claims and pseudo science,[19] outlandish -isms ("raise testosterone levels via Testobullism"[20]), "proprietary formulas",[21] often not stating how much of what was mixed together.
One such product lists Eurycoma longifolia as one of more than 30 unquantified ingredients.[22]
In such formulas, the minimal Eurycoma longifolia part isn't a therapeutic dose by any standard, as the quassinoids of Eurycoma longifolia are characterized by poor oral bioavailability.
A study into this aspect concluded: "The results indicate that eurycomanone is poorly bioavailable when given orally… the absolute bioavailability of the compound was low with 10.5%… its poor oral bioavailability may be due to poor membrane permeability in view of its low P value and/or high first-pass metabolism."[23]
In vivo studies with lab animals used root powder of 250, 500, or 1000 mg per kg of body weight,[14] or 200 to 800 mg/kg twice daily,[10][24] or 50, 100, and 200 mg of Eurycoma longifolia extract per kg of body weight.[11] At the higher dosages (800 mg of the water, chloroform, methanol, or butanol extracted fraction of Eurycoma longifolia per kg of body weight), the effects were more pronounced for both sexual motivation[25][26] and levator ani size increase.[6]
Apart from the testosterone-related effects, the antimalarial,[27] antibacterial,[28] antipyretic, antiulcer, antitumor,[29] and cytotoxic properties are well documented.
Taiwanese scientists isolated 65 biochemical compounds from the roots of Eurycoma longifolia, of which ten exhibited "strong cytotoxicity" towards human lung and breat cancer cell lines.[30]
Apart from the better-known quassinoids, the same group of scientist also isolated beta-carboline alkaloids, several of which were active against lung and breast cancer cell lines.[31]
Investigating the activity of 24 Eurycoma longifolia quassinoids against cancer cell lines, including lung cancer cells, medical researchers in Japan found that eurycomalactone was as effective against cancer cells as the established anti-cancer drug doxorubicin.[32]
The same group of researchers also discovered several new biochemical compounds in Eurycoma longifolia and screened them for cytotoxic properties. They concluded that different fractions were effective against different cancers.[33][34]
Another study confirmed that fractions of Eurycoma longifolia extract induced apoptosis in breast-cancer cells.[35]
One extract has since been co-patented by the government of Malaysia and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.[36] However, the idea that products of nature on which there exists a large body of knowledge among indigenous peoples can be the subject of intellectual property rights, even of national governments, has long been challenged in peer-reviewed law journals.[37]

[edit] Products

Fake Eurycoma longifolia products have been pulled off the shelves in several countries but are still sold over the Internet, mostly shipped from the UK. In a medical journal article, published March 2010, it was noted that "estimates place the proportion of counterfeit medications sold over the Internet from 44% to 90%" with remedies for sexual dysfunction accounting for the greatest share.[38] It is therefore recommended that buyers of Eurycoma longifolia request from Internet vendors conclusive information, and proof, on the facilities where a product has been manufactured.
In Malaysia, the common use of Eurycoma longifolia as a food and drink additive, coupled with a wide distribution of products using cheaper synthetic drugs in lieu of Eurycoma longifolia quassinoids, has led to the invention of an electronic tongue to determine the presence and concentration of genuine Eurycoma longifolia in products claiming to contain it.[39]
On the other hand, consumers who lack the sophisticated electronic tongue equipment invented in Malaysia for testing the presence of Eurycoma longifolia, but want more clarity on whether the product they obtained is indeed Eurycoma longifolia or a fake, can use their own tongue to taste the content of capsules for the bitterness of the material. Quassinoids, the biologically active components of Eurycoma longifolia root,[40][41][42] are extremly bitter. They are named after quassin, the long-isolated bitter principle of the quassia tree. Quassin is regarded the bitterest substance in nature, 50 times more bitter than quinine.[43] Anything that isn't bitter, and strongly so, cannot contain quassinoids from Eurycoma longifolia .
In the US, the FDA has banned numerous products such as Libidus,[44] claiming to use Eurycoma longifolia as principal ingredient, but which instead are concoctions designed around illegal prescription drugs, or even worse, analogues of prescription drugs that have not even been tested for safety in humans, such as acetildenafil.[45] In February 2009, the FDA warned against almost 30 illegal sexual enhancement supplements,[46] but the names of these products change quicker than the FDA can investigate them. Libidus, for example, is now sold as Maxidus, still claiming Eurycoma longifolia (tongkat ali) as principal ingredient.[47]
The government of Malaysia has banned numerous fake products which use drugs like sildenafil citrate instead of tongkat ali in their capsules. To avoid being hurt by bad publicity on one product name, those who sell fake tongkat ali from Malaysia have resorted to using many different names for their wares.[48]
The governments of Canada and Singapore have issued warnings against the product XP Tongkat Ali Supreme for containing the prescription drug tadalafil which can be life-threatening in some individuals.[49]
Products claiming various Eurycoma longifolia extract ratios of 1:20, 1:50, 1:100, and 1:200 are sold. Traditionally Eurycoma longifolia is extracted with water and not ethanol. However, the use of selling Eurycoma longifolia extract based on extraction ratio may be confusing and is not easily verifiable.
In expectation of a competitive edge, some manufacturers are claiming standardization of their extract based on specific ingredients. Alleged standards / markers are the glycosaponin content (35–45%) and eurycomanone (>2%). While eurycomanone is one of many quassinoids in Eurycoma longifolia, saponins, known in ethnobotany primarily as fish poison[50][51] played no role in the academic research on the plant.
A large number of Malaysian Eurycoma longifolia products (36 out of 100) have been shown to be contaminated with mercury beyond legally permitted limits.[52]


Eurycoma longifolia is a small everred treelet growing to 15 m (49 ft) tall, with spirally arranged, pinnate leaves 20–40 cm (8–16 inches) long with 13–41 leaflets. The flowers are dioecious, with male and female flowers on different trees; they are produced in large panicles, each flower with 5–6 very small petals. The fruit is green ripening dark red, 1–2 cm long and 0.5–1 cm broad.

Eurycoma longifolia

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Eurycoma longifolia
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Sapindales
Family: Simaroubaceae
Genus: Eurycoma
Species: E. longifolia
Binomial name
Eurycoma longifolia
Eurycoma longifolia (commonly called tongkat ali or pasak bumi) is a flowering plant in the family Simaroubaceae, native to Indonesia, Malaysia, and, to a lesser extent, Thailand, Vietnam, and Laos. It is also known under the names penawar pahit, penawar bias, bedara merah, bedara putih, lempedu pahit, payong ali, tongkat baginda, muntah bumi, petala bumi (all the above Malay); bidara laut (Indonesian); babi kurus (Javanese); cay ba binh (Vietnamese); hae phan chan, plaa lai phuenk, phiak (Thai); and tho nan (Laotian).[2] Many of the common names refer to the plants medicinal use and extreme bitterness. "Penawar pahit" translates simply as "bitter charm" or "bitter medicine". [3] Older literature, such as a 1953 article in the Journal of Ecology, may cite only "penawar pahit" as the plant's common Malay name.[4]