Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Essentials of Tongkat Ali for Men’s Health

The Essentials of Tongkat Ali for Men’s Health

It all started in Asia and now it is slowly spreading its popularity to the Western countries as well. As there are various supplements out there in the market that offers people a way to improve their health condition, Tongkat Ali can offer you what you want.

Tongkat AliTongkat Ali is usually for a man to increase his sexual response customarily in a form of a tonic. It is due to its chemical properties to produce testosterone which basically enhances the male reproductive organ.  There are a lot of talks that Tongkat Ali is only for the men, but there are studies that is being conducted that it also benefits the women especially in their relationships. Female erogenous areas became more responsive upon taking Tongkat Ali.
Various applications related to personal health are devised because of the ability that Tongkat Ali possesses regarding the production of testosterone.  Sports enthusiasts, athletes, bodybuilders and health buffs in general use tongkat ali to help them in prolonging their endurance and also for building up their muscle mass. Tongkat Ali’s anti-aging property is beneficial for people wanting to look young. The body’s metabolism process is enhanced by taking tongkat ali. It also helps in the production of red blood cells and other blood related functions.  This function also leads to the breakdown of sugar to fatty acids that is essential in stabilizing the blood pressure. These fatty acids trigger the production of a hormone-like substance that helps in making our blood pressure to be in the normal range. This also helps in blood clotting and other immune response which in turn prevents diseases that could cause harm to the heart and blood diseases as well.
Tongkat AliIn the Malay language, the word Tongkat Ali means “Ali’s walking stick.” It means support and is usually referred to as a boost for when you are mentally and physically exhausted. Tongkat Ali is also added nowadays to coffees and tea. Its extracts are essential if you need a boost for the day and its effects can be seen for a very short period of time. It is also called in other names depending on the countries that it came from. In Indonesia it is called as Pasak Bumi, while in Vietnam it is called as Cay Ba Binh. It could take for more than 25 years for the Tongkat Ali plant to mature. It is quite expensive and it is very difficult to grow. It also requires a very special care and nurturing in order to grow a Tongkat Ali plant.
Like any other herbal medicines or product, before you go ahead and buy them you need to be educated about their use as well as their side effects. The side effects of taking in large doses of Tongkat Ali would result you to have insomnia, anxiety as well as mood swings. These side effects will affect your daily activities and it is also not advisable for pregnant women to take it as well as those who are undergoing treatment for cancer, diabetes and the likes.
So before taking tongkat Ali as part of your supplements is it advisable to refer this matter to your doctor to know if it is suitable to your lifestyle.
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Posted by CMM on Nov 29 2010. Filed under Health & Fitness, Supplements.



  1. This is one of the best blogs i read here online.nice and informative.more power and keep

    it up.


    Tongkat Ali

  2. Interesting, I just read tongkat actually has been used for many years in vietnam and is called tree of a 100 cures and just read more about how it can boost your T levels, pretty impressive, check it out here they talk about it in more detail

    Has anyone tried taking it for at least 3 months at a time?
