Saturday, January 15, 2011

Boosting Testosterone With Tongkat Ali Root Extract

One of the greatest shames is the way humans hack down forests as if they were weeds without any consequence for the future. What is emerging very clearly is that this wanton waste of nature's beauty and powerful forests is not limited to increased green house gases and pollution of our air.
There is a small tree that is essential to the production of Tongkat Ali root extract that is being wiped out which is a terrible shame because of its testosterone boosting powers. The Chinese have been using the roots of this tree when it has matured to between 20 and 25 years to stimulate men's testosterone levels. And they have been using it for thousands of years.
Now these forests are in danger, and Malaysia has stepped up its concern about the wholesale destruction forest populations of this very valuable tree. Indeed, the Malaysian Government is taking very seriously the business opportunity to managed harvesting and processing of more than just this tree.
The western world is too quick to jump to the latest patented drug from pharmaceutical companies whereas the eastern world will use modern-day drugs as a last resort. The Eastern way is to see the body as a whole and to use traditional and holistic techniques to resolve their health issues.
The western doctor will likely rush you in and out of his treatment room with one eye on the clock, and the other eye on a prescription pad to dispense drugs as a quick fix. The Asian approach is to spend time to get to the bottom of all issues, and to develop a treatment plan that encompasses all of the issues affecting the body.
The western approach to low hormone levels is to replace the body's natural production with drugs. The Asian approach is to supplement the diet with compounds that stimulate the body's natural production. Make no mistake; replacing your hormones with drugs will cause your body to stop all its own production.
Rather than commit yourself to a lifetime of taking hormone replacement drugs, you should consider Tongkat Ali root extract as a way to stimulate your own production of testosterone.
Phil Jarvie is a professional forex day trader, an author and SEO specialist. Visit Tongkat Ali where this article was researched.

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