Friday, January 14, 2011

Tongkat Ali Is An Essential Testosterone Boosting Supplement

We are what we eat and we all know that we mostly don't eat properly. And it is not entirely our own fault that we choose to eat bad, fat and sugar enriched foods. They are made and aggressively promoted by the massive corporations that have filled our foods with preservatives, colorings and taste enhancers. If you cast a critical eye over your supermarket shelves, you will find that we have little choice but to buy the rubbish that is killing us.
Only in recent years do we see any suggestion of organically grown foods being available to us. And often the clean and healthy organic produce costs 2-3 times more than the corporate-made chemically tainted junk. The only thing we can do is to supplement our diets with those essential vitamins and minerals our bodies need to keep us safe, healthy and happy.
Not many people realize that over the last 80-90 years, the natural testosterone levels of men have dropped by 50-60%. Whereas men from the 1920's and 1930's used to have a median average minimum of 450 ng/dl (nano-grams per deci-liter) before the man was said to be deficient and below normal. Doctors now consider 250 to be the lower than acceptable limit - and they are not saying this because this is now believed to be the healthy level. They are simply reporting the "new average" of men generally.
Corporate profit-making food processors will not change their ways of poisoning us. Governments will only accede to the corporation's lobbyists and so no legislative solution to our declining testosterone levels cause by tainted foods is in our immediate future.
So yes, buy organic food produce where ever possible. And it is important that you adopt a sensible dietary supplement regime to recover the ground we have lost. For men, this means including Tongkat Ali root extract for its testosterone boosting effects. Of course it should not be used every day or as the only supplement, because our bodies do build up a tolerance.
Tongkat Ali root extract will stimulate your body's natural production of testosterone, which in turn will create a more highly energetic lifestyle leading to increased muscle mass, and reduced body fat levels.
Phil Jarvie is a professional forex day trader, an author and SEO specialist. Visit Tongkat Ali where this article was researched.

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