Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Many Health Benefits of Tongkat Ali

Tongkat Ali (also known as Eurycoma Longifolia or LongJack) is an herbal remedy derived from the root of the Tongkat Ali tree found in various Asian countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. It is used for a number of health benefits in both men and women - namely, to increase vitality and increase sexual function by stimulating the production of testosterone in the body. While not widely discussed, testosterone is vital to a woman's health and well-being and by the age of 40, testosterone levels are half of what they are age the age of 20.
Tongkat Ali is used for a variety of sexual problems that are due to low testosterone levels in the body. Because Tongkat Ali increases the production of testosterone producing a testosterone boost, it can help or even eliminate most disorders with performance and libido. Low testosterone can lead to loss of sexual desire or responsiveness as well as a general decline in strength and endurance.
A key benefit to Tongkat Ali is increased overall vitality. For instance, reports have shown that both men and women are more alert and focused all day long with Tongkat Ali. They can maintain mental clarity and handle stress with a laid back attitude. Overall feelings of well being have been reported with continued use as well as improved mood. Testosterone boost production provides long lasting energy and a sharp focus that allows user to maintain the edge that previously may not have been attainable. Several reports have also shown that individuals who use Tongkat Ali also are able to handle stress better and maintain their professional drive.
Tongkat Ali can be taken as an herbal supplement in capsule or tablet form and can even be found in products such as enriched healthier energy coffees. To work most effectively for long lasting results, it must be ingested on an ongoing basis which is why consuming it in a coffee is an outstanding way of getting a regular dose -- after all, coffee is the second most consumed beverage in the world after water and coffee drinking is a daily habit and ritual for a significant number of people.
With so many benefits, individuals may be curious to know about the risks. Tongkat Ali has few reported side effects, despite years of use. Some reported side effects include insomnia, anxiety, and restlessness. It should not be used by pregnant or nursing pregnant and should definitely not be used by children. However, since it is an herbal supplement, you may want to consult with your doctor if you are currently taking an prescriptions drugs.
Phillip Bynes is a proud husband, father, licensed massage therapist, and Family First Entrepreneur. As an active member of the health and wellness community, he provides resources to people who absolutely love coffee and embrace an opportunity to replace that unhealthy cup of coffee with enriched coffee that can provide substantial health benefits. Learn more at

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