Sunday, January 16, 2011

What Are Tribulus Terrestris And Tongkat Ali For?

Men need testosterone to be men. Because of the unhealthy lives we lead in terms of poor exercise and diets, combined with the pollution we have brought upon ourselves, modern-day man has a massively reduced testosterone level compared to 80 years ago.
The side effects of lower than normal testosterone are savage and dangerous. Not only are we less manly and unable to sustain muscle mass, we become more prone to diabetes, heart disease, circulation problems, depression and whole host of related afflictions.
Modern day doctors have sought to manage this issue with prescribed medications which replace hormone levels in the body. However this is a short-sighted and misguided approach because it too has severe side effects including but not limited to reduced testicle size (from lack of use) and also increased instances of prostate cancers.
The Ancient Chinese have always adopted a non-drugs based solution to low testosterone levels. Rather than introduce synthetic hormones into the body, which have the effect of stopping all natural hormone production, Traditional Chinese Medicine has used Tongkat Ali and Tribulus Terrestris as natural remedies designed to boost the body's own production of testosterone.
Tribulus Terrestris is a plant that grows flat along the ground in even the harshest environments with minimal water and poor soils all across the world and it is seen by the west as a non-toxic but unpleasant weed. It produces a nasty thorn that will easily puncture most shoes and footwear with ease, no doubt adding to why the west see this plant as a weed. It grows fast, is very hardy and annoying to step on.
Tongkat Ali is a tree that grows in tropical climates and is mostly found in Malaysia and Indonesia. Though it is not widely found, the Malaysian Government has thankfully taken steps to protect and to develop this small tree because of its medicinal and healing properties and the testosterone boosting supplement is now a thriving industry and undergoing continuing research.
Phil Jarvie is a professional forex day trader, an author and SEO specialist. Visit Tribulus Terrestris where this article was researched.

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